The Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Fund

2025 Golf Tournament Afternoon Flight

The Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Fund - 2025 Golf Tournament Afternoon Flight

The 16th annual Sgt. David J. Smith Memorial Golf Tournament will be held at the Musket Ridge Golf Course in Myersville, Maryland on Friday, August 30, 2024 at 1330. For more information about the tournament, please visit our website.

Registration and Ticket Options

Golfer registration ($175.00 each)
128 slots remain
Includes golfer tournament registration and lunch
Choose quantity
Power Pack: includes a Power Ball and three Mulligans ($20.00 each)
A Power Ball lets Men advance to the red tee, and Women advance to the fairway. A Mulligan lets you hit your ball over again without counting it as a stroke. Limit one per golfer.
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One 50/50 Raffle Ticket ($1.00 each)
Win 50% of the raffle proceeds. No limit to number of tickets per person.
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Bundle of six 50/50 Raffle Ticket ($5.00 each)
Win 50% of the raffle proceeds. No limit to number of tickets per person.
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Bundle of thirteen 50/50 Raffle Ticket ($10.00 each)
Win 50% of the raffle proceeds. No limit to number of tickets per person.
Choose quantity
Bundle of thirty 50/50 Raffle Ticket ($20.00 each)
Win 50% of the raffle proceeds. No limit to number of tickets per person.
Choose quantity

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